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Missing Teeth And Their Replacement

Replacement of Lost Teeth

Missing Teeth Replacement at Neerudus Dental Clinic

Thhe common reasons for missing teeth are gum diseases , tooth decay , injury, or any other condition which is genetic
There are various treatment modalities at NEERUDUS DENTAL CLINIC Offered to replace a missing tooth whatever the reason may be

Dental implants

single missing tooth or multiple missing teeth can be replaced by dental implants
Dental implant is nothing but a surgically mounted titanium post or a frame in the upper or lower jaw bone , on which the artificial tooth is mounted
Basically, a dental implant provides a permanent base for a replacement tooth.

Fixed dental bridge

A person who doesn’t like a surgical process or is not a favourable candidate for an dental implant , fixed dental bridge is an option
A fixed bridge essentially bridges a gap caused by a missing tooth using a dental prosthetic or artificial tooth. The prosthetic is attached to adjacent teeth and then bonded in place using dental cement.

Removable partial dentures

If affordability and if a candidate is not suitable for fixed prosthesis , then he can opt for a REMOVABLE PARTIAL OR COMPLETE DENTURE
This dental appliance consists of replacement teeth attached to a natural-looking pink base.
Your natural teeth stabilize and hold the removable plastic base in place, although some dentures have a clasp that adjoins to natural teeth.
The base is designed to match the color of your gums, and the teeth the color of your natural teeth. These dentures might be an option if you need to replace multiple teeth in one part of your mouth.


In some cases, there may be little-to-no impact. Depending on the location of a missing tooth, you may not really notice a gap in your mouth. This might be the case if you’re missing a tooth in the back or side of your mouth.
But your teeth are designed to work together, so missing one or more teeth can sometimes impact speech, eating, and over time cause other problems.
If it becomes harder or uncomfortable to chew your food, it may lead to only eating on one side of your mouth or having to eat at a much slower pace. This can affect your jaw and facial muscles.
Missing teeth can change the shape of your face, as it can cause your mouth to shift.
Also, your bite might change to make up or compensate for lost teeth, and the remaining teeth may shift and move given the extra room. This can cause other issues such as tooth sensitivity, tooth grinding, and difficulty in chewing
AT NEEEUDUS DENTAL CLINIC dr MADHUKAR NEERUDU and his team , with 23 years of experience give the best options for replacement of lost teeth with latest technology on par with international standards