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Surgical Tooth Extraction

Surgical Tooth Extraction​

Surgical Tooth Extraction
at Neerudus Dental Clinic

A surgical extraction may be necessary if a tooth is severely decayed or cannot be removed by other methods. The procedure involves numbing the affected area and clearing the soft tissue and bone around the tooth. Once the tooth is removed, the gums are sutured to avoid complications during the recovery process.

Surgical extractions usually take longer to recover from than simple extractions. Patients are often required to take time off work and are more likely to experience swelling. However, the instructions for aftercare are similar to those for simple extractions. Generally, patients are prescribed a soft diet for the first few days following the extraction. They are also advised not to spit on the day of the procedure. This could cause an early loss of blood clots, delaying the healing process.


Surgical extractions can be performed with a local or general anesthetic. Local anesthesia helps to numb the extraction site, making it easier for the patient to relax. A general anesthetic is more powerful and causes the patient to lose consciousness during the procedure. Patients may experience little or no pain afterward, but should notify the dentist if they experience any discomfort.

Once a tooth is extracted, the dentist will use a special instrument to loosen it from the socket. He may also need to remove some of the gum tissue or bone blocking the tooth. The extraction should not cause pain, but patients can expect to hear grinding and cracking of bone and teeth during the procedure. If the patient experiences pain during the procedure, they should let their dentist or oral surgeon know immediately so that they can provide extra numbing agents.

Surgical extractions can be difficult to perform for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, the tooth is too fractured to be accessed with a dental forceps. Other times, a tooth can be fractured under the gum line. If the tooth cannot be easily removed through the traditional method, the only option is to undergo surgical extraction.

Immediately following a surgical extraction, you should avoid brushing your teeth or using mouthwash. This will help stop any further bleeding. Once the bleeding subsides, you can resume brushing your teeth. The area will be slightly swollen, but this should disappear within a few days. If it persists, you can apply ice to the extraction area to minimize the swelling and discomfort.

Another reason why a tooth requires surgical extraction is when it is cracked or partially erupted. In this case, the tooth cannot be saved. The crown of the tooth, which covers the part of the tooth above the gum line, may be broken or lost during the extraction. This may make it difficult to access and view the tooth. In some cases, the crown of the tooth may be lost completely and this could result in a large tooth loss.

While dental extractions are relatively common, the process is still a traumatic experience and can be frightening. The best way to reduce your anxiety is to learn more about the procedure and what to expect. Your dentist can help you determine which type of dental procedure will work best for you.